function IsNetWorkActivatedRepeated: boolean; var WinHttpReq: Variant; Connected: Boolean; begin Connected := False; repeat Log('Checking connection to the server'); try WinHttpReq := CreateOleObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1'); { Use your real server host name } WinHttpReq.Open('GET', '', False); WinHttpReq.Send(''); Log('Connected to the server; status: ' + IntToStr(WinHttpReq.Status) + ' ' + WinHttpReq.StatusText); Connected := True; except Log('Error connecting to the server: ' + GetExceptionMessage); if WizardSilent then begin Log('Connection to the server is not available, aborting silent installation'); Result := False; Exit; end else if MsgBox('Cannot reach server. Please check your Internet connection.', mbError, MB_RETRYCANCEL) = IDRETRY then begin Log('Retrying'); end else begin Log('Aborting'); Result := False; Exit; end; end; until Connected;