作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长


Abstract: List of M codes commonly used in WEDM, all code syntax format with detailed explanatory descriptions. Some codes are described in detail in graphic form.


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长


Abstract: List of G codes commonly used in WEDM, all code syntax format with detailed explanatory descriptions. Some codes are described in detail in graphic form.


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长


Abstract:How to use ISCmdBld to build the Installshield project, in the process of building the project, how to dynamically transfer the version number to the current building project for different project types.


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长

摘要:如何解决pyenv的Windows版本pyenv-win在Windows 7中安装配置pyenv-win时,遇到的:: [ERROR] :: An error occurred in the support of the secure channel,为什么会存在secure protocol 安全协议的问题?如何在Window 7系统中开启TLS 1.0和 TSL 2.0两个协议,什么是SChannel ?如何设置pyenv版本列表中的system选项?mlink命令中的/f与/d的区别是什么?

Abstract: How to solve the problem of pyenv-win when installing and configuring pyenv-win in Windows 7:: [ERROR] :: An error occurred in the support of the secure channel, why there is a secure protocol problem? ? How to enable TLS 1.0 and TSL 2.0 in Window 7 system, what is SChannel? How to set the system option in the pyenv version list? What is the difference between /f and /d in the mlink command?


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长


Abstract: When using Hexo to manage blog posts, if the Hexo theme used (such as tranquilpeak theme) does not support Latex and mermaid syntax, how to solve this problem? What is the difference between Typora and Hexo’s support for these two syntaxes? If the blog post is edited on Typora and the file contains Latex and mermaid sentences, how can these posts be rendered and published by Hexo with the least cost?


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长


Abstract: The content of this article involves: What is the definition of surface roughness used to indicate the quality of machining during machining? What is the calculation method and representation method? A summary of the industrial standards for surface roughness in industrial processing in various countries. Summary and analysis of the surface accuracy that can be achieved by various processing techniques.


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长

摘要:为了解决部分内容网络分发时高延时的问题,为了提高网页加载速度,提高内容分发速度进而给客户跟好的使用体验,会考虑到CDN网络。如何使用aws CloudFront 与 aws S3 bucket的组合,创建自己的CDN网络,会在本文中介绍相关内容。

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of high latency in the distribution of some content on the network, in order to increase the loading speed of web pages, increase the speed of content distribution, and provide customers with a better user experience, the CDN network will be considered. How to use the combination of aws CloudFront and aws S3 bucket to create your own CDN network will be introduced in this article.


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长

摘要:本文主要介绍如何使用Angular三个常用的内置结构型指令 —— NgIf、NgFor和NgSwitch之一ngFor历遍一个json对象。Ngfor历遍列表很简单,ngfor历遍json实例又该如何操作呢?

Abstract: This article mainly introduces how to in Angular use ngFor, one of Three of the common, built-in structural directives—NgIf, NgFor, and NgSwitch, to traverse a json object. Ngfor traverses the array is very simple, how should ngfor traverse the json instance?


作者: Jim Wang 公众号: 巴博萨船长


Abstract: How to configure aws-cli? How to use aws-cli to deploy lamdba function package? When configuring aws-cli, what should be the user access policy? How to create a user with minimal access rights to complete the lambda package deployment task while ensuring security? What is the access strategy for such users?


Jim Wang





